My EV Operating Cost

Kushal Rajbhandari

· Feb 13, 2024

We all know by now that an EV is much cheaper than a petrol vehicle to run.

But how much cheaper exactly?

I've been tracking my EV's monthly running as well as energy consumption for charging from Feb 2023 - Jan 2024, a 12 month complete cycle now. Sharing the data I've collected during this period:

  • My cheapest per km cost was just Re. 1.08/km in October 2023 (cooler temps, didn't need to use AC much) to a maximum of Rs. 1.47/km in January 2024 (used a lot of heating because of the cold). Even with maximum heater usage, that's cheaper than even a petrol bike/scooter!
  • In this one year I've driven a total of 8,507 km (all within the valley and nearby) and spent just Rs. 10,352.66 in EV charging costs.
  • An equivalent sized petrol car with a generous 15 kmpl mileage would have cost me close to 1 lakh just in fuel prices (petrol @ Rs. 170/liter), not to mention additional costs for servicing and taxes and everything else.
  • In total, my estimate is that I've saved upward of rupees 1 lakh in this past year alone by driving an EV instead of a petrol car. The more I drive my EV the more my savings are. Also the higher the petrol prices go, the bigger my savings become and vice versa.
  • I've personally driven this car close to 12,000 km since I purchased it and with that distance driven my total savings till date is close to 1.5 lakhs in fuel prices and taxes and servicing/maintenance.
  • Besides the cost for charging, I've spent Rs. 15,000 for tax + insurance + renewal at the DOTM for this fiscal year.
  • Another Rs. 9,000 in repairs and servicing costs have been spent for the car's upkeep (transmission oil change, key fob battery, door latch, battery water leak check, regular servicing).
  • I've also spent some amount on purchasing accessories and other good to haves such as dash cam, phone mount, nitrogen for tyres, suspension buffers and such but not mentioning that amount in this calculation since those are just good to haves and optional and the same for EV and PV.

An EV is ten times cheaper than a petrol car in fuel prices alone. With additional costs incurred for taxes and maintenance for a petrol car, the savings are even greater when switching to an electric vehicle. Ev running cost

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